Resurrection CYO Basketball
3rd Grade Intramurals
Winter Season
3rd Grade – Intramurals
Resurrection CYO offers an intramural Instructional League for our 3rd Grade boys and girls from late October through mid-February. The program is open to the community, without regard to CYO eligibility rules. The goal of our program is to offer exposure to fundamental basketball skills in a fun setting, building these skills through repetitive practice. Volunteer parent-coaches work with each child on learning the basics and care is taken to build confidence and self-esteem. The focus of the season will be on fundamentals, gradually leading into games with an instructional component. The games will be refereed with modified rules in order to maintain the benefit of instruction.
3rd Grade teams typically practice for one hour once a week early in the evening on weekdays. Games are played against other Resurrection 3rd Grade teams on Saturdays. The practice and game schedule will be available two weeks before the season start.
For 3rd grade intramurals, coaches will ensure all players receive equal as possible playing time.